Saturday 6 July 2019

Not From There (1997) - Not From There

Probably best known for that Recovery staple 'Sich Offnen', Brisbane band Not From There released this, their second EP, in 1997. They're kind of a noisy... well, they're pretty noisy, with some Regurgitator-esque production courtesy of Magoo on the first track. In fact, I'd describe them as sounding a bit like early Gurge, with less electronics and German lyrics at times. There are some great emo-ey guitar tones on the second and third tracks (to my ears anyway - like a more energetic Bubble and Scrape-era Sebadoh). In fact 'Chinchilla' sounds like a Slint ripoff! Good.

They also had a period Internet presence with a links page! Go take a look. Also, subject of fan pages.

Whilst I was there, I found the Australian Alternative Music page, run by 14 year old Jess from Brisbane, which should have some links to all your favourite pages and you can see what the nineties was like.

1. Let Me Out        2:47
2. No Answers        3:09
3. Chinchilla        3:33
4. Can't Shake Him        2:27
5. Cuando Estar De Vuelta        5:20

Not From There (1997) - Not From There

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