Wednesday 19 February 2020

Higher Up The Firetrails (1995) - Bluebottle Kiss

Sorry for the lo-res cover image, I stole it from discogs. I can't remember if I even have the proper album release to scan, or just the promo edition with a plain-ish cardboard sleeve. In any case, here's the sort of slow indie Sebadoh-worship that was going on at the time, with Jamie Hutchings capably handling the maudlin indie on this number from 1995. I've never been a huge fan of his voice, but he's a solid songwriter.

As to period web links, hmm... here's a geocities mirror of a mention on the Kill the Cod zine website. I might have some more links on another computer, so when I dig that one out, I'll let you know...

A Melbourne band also appears to have called themselves Firetrail.

1. Beautifully Tragic        4:17
2. One Way Ticket To Antarctica        7:05
3. Dead Again        3:56
4. Paean For Sandpaper Mouth        4:10
5. Requiem For The Holden        5:52
6. Don't Care Anymore        2:13
7. Crush        3:12

Higher Up The Firetrails (1995) - Bluebottle Kiss

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