Wednesday 19 February 2020

Dogbuoy (1998) - Dogbuoy

Frankly bizarre rocky hip-hop in the vein of the Beastie Boys and early Avalanches (not the MTV programme of a similar name). 'D.B.I.T.H', the final track on the album, is the punkiest, sounding like the earlier output of the former band.

According to discogs, copies of the album came with a 3.5" floppy disk containing a screensaver. Why didn't mine come with one of those!?

I think they were from Sydney?

Anyway, see what you think...

1. Mozzies        2:56
2. Alienz        2:34
3. Mk II        4:26
4. Squid Ink        2:58
5. D.B.I.T.H.        2:17

Dogbuoy (1998) - Dogbuoy

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