Thursday 28 July 2016

European Farming Methods (1994) - Food

Yet another cut from the auspicious Au Go Go catalogue (boy, we're getting a lot of mileage out of them aren't we?), this time the sparsely-documented FOOD from Geelong.

Before this project was but a twinkle in my eye, I mused about what an Australian Fugazi equivalent would be, and thus took my first tentative steps into the world of 90s Aussie indie rock. Years later whilst trawling through the archive looking for info on Sandpit, I came across a gig review (announcement? I can't find the page...) mentioning Food, basically describing them as Fugazi wannabes.

Which is funnily enough a reasonably good assessment. Duly, I bought the lone copy of their 1994 album European Farming Methods that was on eBay at the time and had a listen. The vocals are McKaye-esque to a fault, as is the dual-wield guitars and slightly reverby rhythm section.

Whilst Food fall short of the subtleties and elegant simplicity of most of Fugazi's catalogue, they do convey much of a sound with the concession of being local. A little like the Ricaine/Shellac relationship (though I just had a listen to Ricaine's 'Urbanity' and it's pretty good, much more varied than their first album, which is the only other I have).

1. Adhesive        2:56
2. They Float        2:50
3. Essay        3:46
4. Hunger Pain        4:12
5. Judgement        2:19
6. Saturation        4:20
7. Through My Teeth        2:59
8. Penis Arrow        3:08
9. Guess Who        3:06
10. White Lie        3:22
11. Word        5:10
12. Everyone's Someone To Somebody        4:01
13. Bottled Water        4:21
14. Paper Bag        3:45
15. When        4:22

Food - European Farming Methods (1994)

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