Friday 23 September 2016

Lot's The CD (1994) - Various Artists

Now for one of my personal favourites, though not necessarily for the music. Lot's Wife is the student publication of Monash University in Clayton and has been going in one form or another for the past 50 years (or shortly after the uni's inception). Nowadays it's a somewhat insipid and vacuous glossy that occasionally shows up in the union building's ever-declining array of brochure holders, but at various times it exhibited the best of student involvement. Without getting into the abolition of voluntary student unionism in the 1990s and its subsequent slow dismemberment of student culture, let's just say that the undergrads were a little more creative back then.

Highlights of this compilation, released in 1994, include a live cut from Painters and Dockers ('The Boy Who Lost His Jocks At Flinders St Station'), recorded in the basement of the union building (hah! try setting a gig up down there these days...), a Muffcake track (see Decimus Gnu once again) and the odd inclusion of two Raspberry Cordial tracks. For those not in the know, Raspberry Cordial was a delightfully cringey hip hop duo featuring future local media star John Safran. This explains why the scan above (of my own copy) has his signature on it (done at a book signing for Murder in Missisippi). This particular copy was picked up at the Salvos in Brandon Park Drive.

Some of the skits on the CD are also great. Sadly, the Menzies Building's legacy as 'The Ming Wing' has derailed over time, with only the senior staff calling it that to the perplexment of students.

See Safran's bit on Raspberry Cordial in this episode of Music Jamboree (skip to 8:54 if impatient):

1. Turn The Page And The Salt Joke        0:15    Lot's Wife
2. The Boy Who Lost His Jocks At Flinders Street Station (Live)        5:43    Painters And Dockers
3. Wet Patch        3:26    Quite and Very
4. The Badger        5:03    Treehouse
5. The Interview        15:24    Leanne Paton with Prof. Chubb and Gai Baldwin
6. Rocky & Bullwinkle Skit        0:12    Lot's Wife
7. Candleabra        6:10    Clock Work
8. Burgo        3:29    Nude Rain
9. Legalise        6:06    Muffcake
10. The Count        0:44    Lot's Wife
11. Moment Of Rising        5:39    Aubergine
12. Melbourne Tram        4:25    Raspberry Cordial
13. Snake Like A Tongue        6:48    The Clowns Of Decadence
14. NDS        1:55    Lot's Wife
15. Demons Dwell        2:58    Stronger Than Dirt
16. Vampires Kiss        4:43    Clint Goad
17. One Sunny Day Inside Your CD Player        0:56    Lot's Wife
18. No Compromise        1:26    Raspberry Cordial

Lot's The CD (1994) - Various Artists

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