Monday 12 September 2016

Live By Rivers (1996) - Sandro

Another band that came up during my excavations of the Sandpit, Sandro's debut (?) is quiet, almost fitting the sadcore pigeonhole. In fact, the whole album was recorded live in a hall somewhere within a commission housing block in Collingwood, as frontman Gareth Edwards explained in an interview some while ago. This Cowboy Junkies-esque approach makes for very subtle listening, an experience that didn't quite endear me to the recording in my current search for period-era musical red cordial analogues.

Cameron Potts, drummer, also played drums with Laura Macfarlane (herself the original Sleater Kinney drummer, a fact I enjoy mentioning to neophytes at Ninetynine gigs) in Ninetynine, who are still going. He also played alongside Evelyn 'Pikelet' Morris in Baseball, who I'm going to get on this blog at somepoint, I'm sure. On a tangent, Ev recently did an excellent and at times confronting interview with Steve Albini recently on the back of Shellac's last tour down here.

Anyway, the first Sandro album. How good is that cover?

1. Racing Car Driver        3:30
2. Watching Dogs        4:21
3. Tanja's Soldier        3:20
4. St Charles Song        4:07
5. Tonight        7:12
6. There's Nowhere To Go Without You        4:35
7. Skinny        4:28
8. Werribee        2:38
9. This House Has Fallen        1:21
10. The Villa's Cursed        5:21

Live By Rivers (1996) - Sandro

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