Thursday 8 February 2018

Wicked! Wicked! Wicked! & Squasm (1991) - Dweebs

Another tape from the Rowville Hard Rubbish collection, this cassette had two demos from Dweebs, as well as tracks from Proton Energy Pills and Tumbleweed on it. Up first are the Dweebs tracks..

There's little info available on Dweebs, aside from their well-stocked Facebook page, with plenty of amazing period era photos (zipped here for archival purposes). They supported Fugazi at the Hull/EVs, Cosmic Psychos (whom they also covered) and best of all they came from MULGRAVE!

Wicked! Wicked! Wicked! was apparently their first demo tape, and was released sometime around 1991. I've put 1991 as the date of release for both of these, but it's probably a year or two out (can someone please correct in the comments?). Devron Schwind has put these up on SoundCloud for your enjoyment. The image above was taken from his posting to the aforementioned Dweebs Facebook page. However, the dub I've uploaded is missing the last two tracks ('Keep On Keeping On' and 'Brass God') so better hop over there and have a listen.

Later came their second (?) offering, Squasm. I couldn't find any reference to this release elsewhere on the net, though there are pictures of the tape itself on the Facebook page. Artwork above taken from an image submitted by Evan Rock Richards.

For more history on Dweebs, have a browse at the aforementioned page!

Wicked! Wicked! Wicked!
1. My Baby        1:50
2. Gone        3:03
3. Stimulation        2:50
4. Something Stupid        1:34

1. Cake        3:48
2. Bumblebee        2:22
3. Squasm        3:16
4. Russ' Fishtank        2:21
5. VB Man        2:23
6. Smell        3:48
7. Breakfast Cereal        1:44
8. Nuckles        3:00

Wicked! Wicked! Wicked! & Squasm (1991) - Dweebs

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