Monday 8 January 2018

Peculiar World (1998) - Litany

The first upload of 2018, from a track encountered on the Rock n Roll High School Vol. 4 comp previously uploaded, is this offering.

Much of the history surrounding this group might be garnered from the aforementioned RnRHS page. Litany was a band featuring RnRHS founder Stephanie Bourke on drums and vocals. They bridged a range of styles, sometimes playing straight garage indie followed by something bordering on power metal. This breadth is quite refreshing and the album is very listenable.

See period era reviews here and here.

1. Madrigal        3:43
2. By Myself        4:37
3. Aurora        2:53
4. Labyrinth        3:12
5. When You Gonna Stop        3:53
6. Rome        3:41
7. Schubert        1:10
8. Bad Faith        3:49
9. Cathedral        4:51
10. Buy Me An Ocean        3:45
11. Rapunzel        3:32

Peculiar World (1998) - Litany

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