I've started this blog in order to uncover and subsequently make available some hidden treasures of Australia's 90s indie rock scene. There was an abundance of amazing music produced during this decade, though with a few notable exceptions little of it seems to have made its way into the new millennium.
I've made a point of only including artists whose releases are difficult to find or were released on labels that are now essentially defunct. Many of the tracks uploaded will be in moderate mp3 quality (~160 kbps). Almost everything will be from my own CD collection. Where contemporary releases are still available from the artist or have been reissued, I'll post a link to where you can find them.
I'll also post lots of stuff that isn't so great, but might be of interest for historical reasons. Happy listening!
n.b. If you are an artist and would like any recordings removed from this website, please send me and email and I will be happy to oblige.